
Regional Development Agency-Durangaldeko Behargintza

The Regional Development Agency - Durangaldeko Behargintza, is a service provided by Durango Local Area Association that aims to promote employment opportunities, company start-ups and forment economic activity in the Duranguesado area.


We have all the information you need about jobs, training and setting up companies.

In they Service of Welcome, of Monday through Friday of 8:00 to 15:00, without previous appointment, we will inform to you personally on our services and how to accede to such.

Support in the employment search
  • Direction: you will be able to participate in individual and group activities that will facilitate the search to find a job.
  • Positioning: you can incorporate your curriculum in the Service of Positioning-Lanbide.
  • Vocational training: professional training courses aimed at the unemployed and those who need to improve their long term employment prospects so that they can carry out the basic tasks required by a job in keeping with the pace and quality set by employment market demand.
  • Continuous training: courses aimed at people in the workforce in order to complete their training and improve their job stability.
  • Complementary training: this focuses on ways of improving social skills and employment competency for job seekers.


Support to enterprise initiatives

It has a customized service of support in:

  • Analysis of the business concept and preparing the company Feasibility Plan.
  • Information about grants and funding.
  • Business management training.
  • Starting up your own company.
  • Periodic advice on various management aspects.
  • Workshop for Entrepreneurs: meeting point for entrepreneurs.